

Living apart from solid Bible instruction in Kyiv, I'm delighted to have found your website. It's my daily spiritual nourishment.

I just wanted to say thank you for the page on 4.7 - Four Gospels. I am studying and looking to find answers and help. I came across your website which I find helpful and trustworthy. Thank you for the work you put into this and sharing with the likes of people like me. I have been able to get a lot of answers and help out of the work you put into your studying. I appreciate it and again thank you.

I was compelled to write and let you know that although I am only halfway through Greg Summers' sermon series on Spiritual Warfare, I think it is one of the best teachings I have heard on anything (Biblical) in a long time. I refer to all aspects: Content; orthodoxy and orthopraxy, as Andy Woods likes to put it; delivery; and, above all, the Spirit clearly working through Greg Summers. . . . Well, I always like to hear Spiritual Warfare sermons because they range from complete denial/no content (RC Sproul) to screaming wild-eyed Charismatics and Pentecostals binding Satan (take your pick). I thought I had heard every variation on the theme, and read a few. So I downloaded all the MP3s and very quickly realized I was listening to something special. . . . as I listened to Greg's first few sermons, I realized that his approach was simply the best I had ever heard on the subject, I have already learned a lot, it's a blessing to me

My wife and I have very much appreciated your ministry, specially all the work you've done on Revelation. We have your two volume commentary and found it very helpful in our studies. We have used it a lot in teaching others. We value very highly the ministry of Spirit and Truth which is expounding the whole Word of God unlike many of our churches here in the UK.

I was benefiting so much recently from the apologetic articles and also the Daniel and Revelation commentaries, that I had to send a kind note of thanks for such scholarly and trustworthy material being available so readily. The eschatology material is very extensive and I and my small church are gleaning much from it. A dispensational premil pretrib perspective is so hard to find represented on the Internet that I cherish (and bookmark) sites like this. I appreciate the interaction with contemporary arguments of covenantal and post mil and amil. Thank you for equipping me as a young pastor in an area that can get overwhelming! Now I am able to more easily understand and also worship thru my studies on these complex topics. I pray that your families and loved ones would be provided for and that you all would continue to find joy and strength in what the Lord has called you to do and know what a difference it is making.

I am writing to express the blessings I've received in reading and studying your Book on Revelation. I have never thought I'd read such a thorough commentary. I truly believe God has given you the gift of teaching and writing. I've listened, read others but I find that many of these brother's understanding reach a minimum, in other words some teachers or theologians can take you only so far and after that they seem to just fall off at expounding in great depth. I find myself awakening at 2:00-3:00 am finishing at around 5:45 AM and its because God uses you to take me deep into His precious treasure; His word. Thank you so much for your ministry and may God continue to use you for His glory.

I want to thank you once again for your "labor of love" in writing your commentary on the book of Revelation. No doubt this is making a great impact on the Church of Jesus Christ by having such a wonderful, clear and concise resource. Thank you for being both willing and available to our wonderful Lord in bringing forth this work. As I read the book of God's final chapter of revelation along with your commentary, my heart becomes so full of praise to our glorious Lord. May the Lord continue to bless you and use you in numerous ways to glorify His great name.

Just want to say thanks for your 5-part critique of R.C. Sproul's teachings on eschatology. I just finished listening to it. It has bothered me in the past to hear R.C. describe dispensationalism as goofy, etc. so it was very helpful to hear his views in more detail, together with your commentary on where he is wrong and why. Keep up the great work, brother. I continue to learn a lot from both you and Andy Woods.

Thank you for your work in the article Sacrifices in the Millennial Kingdom. God used the words you penned and scriptures you compiled to answer my questions of Him. Blessings, one of your eternal sisters in Christ, Yeshua Messiah . . .

I want to let you know that I really appreciate your ministry. I have learned so much from you while going through Matthew 24 & 25 and the introduction to Revelation and the first five chapters, except I skipped chapters 2 & 3 for now. (I know there is some good stuff in there but I'm more interested in the prophecy.) I appreciate your thoroughness and the fact that you don't put icing on the cake without letting us know it is your opinion. I recently started a book by an author that I really liked before but now I can see that he likes to put icing on the cake. So I don't enjoy reading him as much. I'm much more interested in following your teaching. So again, thanks much.

I just wanted to say how much I look forward to the various teachings by each of the scholars on the Spirit & Truth website. Thank you for all the time and effort that each of you take to keep the body of Christ taught in right doctrine.

Thank you for your ministry! I've been so blessed by it that I'm compelled to give.

Thank you guys for making this site available, please keep up the good work. Good biblical exposition week in and week out. A plethora of resources for a dispensationalist.

Over the past four weeks, I've been driving over the road for an expedite company. I made good bit of money and wanted to disperse some of it to some good charities. I believe Spirit and Truth is the best online resource for good quality biblical teaching, and you really should be well compensated for all the work you've put into it.

I . . . started listening to your audio and really enjoyed your comments on the rocket science of Bible chronology. I was always confused why the first Passover in Egypt seemed to be referenced as the start of the year in Exodus and other parts of the Bible, yet the Jewish New Year now starts around September. . . . Again, may God bless your work and I know the Holy Spirit is looking right over your shoulder. You and all who participate in your website are always in my prayers. It is an oasis in these last days.

It was with great pleasure and thanksgiving to God for the news that you have announced your continuation of your commentary on the Prophet Daniel. There is a reason that the writing of books are called "works," for it is truly a dedication of time to our Lord to prepare a commentary on any part of the inspired Scriptures. The introduction of the commentary recently released on the Spirit And Truth Website was a privilege and joy to read. I will refer to it often as I wait with great expectation on the completion of the commentary section. This introduction is a much needed contribution to the works on Daniel and it can stand alone as a work that will be blessed of the Lord as it speaks truth to those who are seeking an overview of Daniel that gives validation to the author of Scripture, our Lord.

I bought both of your "A Testimony of Jesus Christ" volumes from Amazon, and I also use the same information inside of Logos. I have been studying Revelation for many years and I also have several other commentaries, but you have helped me more than anyone or anything else. Your information has cleared up misinformation from other books I have been using. The "man child" in Rev 12 is referred to so much as being the 144,000 in other sources. That's just one of many wrong interpretations you have helped me with. I'm also using your voice and scripture help through your web site. That is a huge help to be able to hear your in depth explanations. I'm addicted to that now. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. You have really been a blessing to me in helping to understand the most fascinating book of the bible.

The Spirit and Truth website has been of tremendous help to my study of the Bible, especially "the grid of category formulations" which made a huge difference to my understanding of several theological systems. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the tools you and other professors who have spent their spare time in providing highly useful data on-line for public use. I wish there is a way for the hearing impaired people (like me) to make the full use of the audio commentaries, and I am still figuring out how to get them translated into printed form so they can be fully utilized for the benefit of the local churches (and Bible study groups outside the churches as well).

I want to say thank you for all the work that goes into putting SpiritAndTruth.org together. I find it to be one of the most helpful theological websites representing Dispensationalism on the Internet. As a former Calvinist, I turn to it often.

I really enjoyed your article addressing the question Is Satan in Isaiah and Ezekiel?. You are a great scholarly writer, and you are very encouraging and informative. Thanks for the insights into the definite article in Hebrew, as it relates to names and titles. I am a beginning Hebrew student and also am interested in The Book of Job, and your article helped me with some questions about "the satan" in the prologue.

We just discovered your site and listened to your teaching on Matthew 24 and 25. you so much for teaching verse-by-verse without adding or taking away ... we are Christians of about 6 years and are so hungry for true teaching. Thank you.

Just read through the response you provided regarding the question of How are Tongues a Sign for the Unbeliever? I'm preaching on this topic Sunday and found your article EXCELLENT. Thank you for such excellent work!

My husband and I are grateful for your answer to my question For Whom did Christ Die?. We are overjoyed to have found all of your teaching so freely available through your website. Thank you sincerely. We believe the Lord Jesus has directed us in this discovery. A happy and fruitful New Year to you and your co-workers as you serve our wonderful God.

I love your website. It has been extremely useful in help me to teach my classes on Covenants. Thanks so much!!!!

I just want to send you an email to tell you how blessed I have been using your commentaries on Revelation. I have been a believer since 1974 and am a graduate from San Diego Christian College under Dr. Tim Lahaye and Dr. David Jeremiah. I have studied and taught the Bible for many years as my main ministry. I have studied commentaries on Revelation from Walter Scott, David Jeremiah, John Walvoord, Dr J. V. McGee, Gaebelein and others over the years in preparation for my teaching. I stumbled upon your commentary one day while searching Google books and can honestly say, it is the best and most satisfying and spirituality insightful commentary on Revelation I have had the privilege of studying. I went to your web site and am amazed at the volume of information you have provided. I look forward to spending a great amount of time there.

Thank you for sharing your Bible study material. You do a great job. As a retired pastor who taught daily (except for the Sabbath/Saturday from the original texts for over 30 years I have a great appreciation for what you're doing.

I greatly appreciated the Revelation Notes . . . I understand a busy schedule. . . . I pray that God blesses and expedites your efforts. THANK YOU FOR THE HARD WORK! Your thorough research outlining and refuting the various ideas and concepts of "Non-Pre-trib" as well as a concise commentary on the verses made it a very enjoyable and useful study resource. I believe that the resurfacing of the Preterist doctrine along with replacement theology are doing much to destroy the credibility of God's Word. I have recommended your site to several of my pastor friends. We appreciate your dedication.

I just want you to know that I listened to every one of your audio's on the Book of Revelation and was greatly encouraged by your exposition - especially how you warn us about many false and incorrect interpretations. Its refreshing to hear a gifted teacher accurately exposit God's Word - I thank you very much for your work and know that you will give the glory to our Lord.

The website and teaching is excellent...keep up the good work. I am also searching for a local distributor in Australia to purchase the revelation book.

I have just listened to the MP3 downloads from Spirit and Truth on the Biblical Covenants. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to you for making available this teaching. I found it very straightforward to follow, and regard the set as a truly excellent intro to the covenants. The Lord bless you greatly for this gift to us here in London UK! In recent years, the Lord has been leading me to study the Jewish roots of the church. This arose out of experiencing the extreme dysfunction of local church life over a prolonged period. Why is so much of the church currently so ineffective? We have been shocked to discover how anti-Semitic the church has been over her history. It really does seem to be true that when the church believes she is a replacement for Israel, she seems to acquire an arrogant unteachable spirit. One comment of yours struck me as very true, when you said that if we attempt to interpret the Old Testament through the New, without considering the plain original meaning of the OT texts as they would have been understood by those to whom they were originally given, we will not understand them correctly. I have very recently been asked by a few friends to lead bible studies on the Restoration of Israel. We believe that the church must come to understand how her destiny, and Israel's destiny are deeply intertwined. Your studies are going to greatly assist us. I very much look forward to digging into more of your teaching. Thank-you most sincerely.

I just finished reading your answer to a question about the identify of the sons of god in Genesis 6:2 I wanted to thank you for the honest way you went about exegeting the text. As with a lot of "controversial" issues in scripture, we shy away from what the text actually says or add our own ideas as to the way we want it to read...but you were very even-handed and let the text speak for itself. It was a valuable lesson for me in how to approach my studies, as I am a fairly new Christian (2.5 years!) and I love God's word, and only want to do it justice.

Thank you so much for collecting the invaluable amount of knowledge (and perspectives) about the Revelation of Christ. In our bible study-group we started on Revelation, I have 'the honour' to do the introduction. I used the commentary of the fist chapter while preparing my lecture. Never ever saw the riches of this first chapter, I considered the first chapter as an introduction scene to the astonishing scenes described in the chapters thereafter. Especially the note on your pages: "The challenge the book of Revelation makes to every person is to be ready for His return," gave the light I needed: this book is all about Christ an not (in the first place) the timetable of what is going to happen at bus-station "earth". Also the warning on the danger of "dual hermeneutic" gave a clear view on the thoughts I already have on this subject. We have indeed some people around which shift gear all the time, frequently trying to connect CNN to a certain chapter or verse. Again many many thanks for digging and collecting!

I recently landed on your site by happenstance (I actually doubt that), and clicked on the topic that has fascinated me and often confused me the most: the amazing relationship between, and prophecies about, Israel and the Church. I had gotten to the point where I would dodge those complex passages, but now I can't get enough! Your presentation of the subject matter is absolutely fantastic... First I print out the class notes and study them apart from your audio sessions, then hit them again with the audio running. You just can't beat that; it's like completing a preparatory homework assignment, then being present in the classroom for the wrap-up lecture. And your serene, detailed teaching style and easy-to-grasp explanations, along with the notes, charts, diagrams, etc., make for a really terrific learning experience. You really have done a remarkable job, and your work is greatly appreciated. I can't even begin to tell you how truly happy I am to have such an excellent, in-depth resource at my fingertips. Can't wait to sit down and study every night! What a blessing... Thank you for helping me grow to my next level, at my own speed.

Tony, I just finished your on line series on Romans 11:25-36 which I uncovered through a Google search. These passages are covered this week in my Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) evening men's class. I have been in BSF for 10 years and this is the second time through Romans for me as a discussion leader. I wanted to thank you and send you my heartfelt words of encouragement for the work you are doing through this ministry. I thought you did an excellent job of helping me understand God's plan for Israel, us Gentiles, and the greater Church. I look forward to going through your whole series on Romans 9-11 along with the other sources and teachers in the Spirit and Truth website.

I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for the good website chocked full of good solid biblical instruction. I'm a recent believer (1 year 4 months) and I was a "dabbler in Christianity" (or a false convert) for the last 5 years. I appreciate truth wherever it's found and I found a lot on your site so THANKS!

I very much enjoyed reading your thoughts on Galatians Chapter 3. SOME VERY SOUND TEACHING.

I was in the hospital for the past week and missed being able to use the A Testimony of Jesus Christ (TOJC) (e-sword version) in my current study of Revelation. I am grateful for your providing the "TOJC" at no cost. We live day to day in Gods provision due to my health, however, I am praying that the Lord provide extra funds to be able to support your organization because, I believe your message is invaluable in this day of lukewarm and cold churches, which sadly appear to be the majority rather than the exception. I pray that your message of truth provided by the Holy Spirit will take a foothold in the "Church" replacing the training by the flesh, which seems to be the norm. I sadly see much more "private interpretation", "Get rich quick", "Dominion theology" and such things that lead to division, than I see Evangelism, compassion, helping the needy and mending the broken practiced in well meaning churches. In my week in the hospital, I received NO visits from my church bretheren, which is a great discouragement to me, and for a church that claims to follow the example of Christ it is appalling. I can only offer my prayers at this time, and will endeavour to lift up your ministry in my daily prayer time.

Your E-Sword Testimony of Jesus Christ is the first truly comprehensive, point by point guide for understanding Revelation I have ever encountered. It has caused me to reevaluate a couple of things I was taught, but thankfully, the Holy Spirit has kept my understanding on base on most of my beliefs. This is truly a blessing to me, and as such, I will be reviewing the rest of your teachings.

I want to Thank You for the CD that I have just received. I do appreciate the work and study efforts of Tony Garland, Steve Lewis, Charles Ray and Andy Woods, This CD is such a blessing and help in the study of God's Word. I am a Pastor in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania working with elderly and handicapped. My wife and I work with low-income children in an county public housing. Pray for us.

I want to thank you for the wonderful resources you are providing. I have been very impressed with the quality and the biblical accuracy of the material you maintain on your website. In particular, I have enjoyed reading Steve Lewis's material on Galatians. I am doing an overview of the book of Galatians for our youth group, and have found his notes to be very thorough - they really gave me a much clearer grasp on the context and purpose of the letter. Perhaps you could pass along my word of thanks. He obviously takes the word and the teaching of the word very seriously - it is such a blessing! I pray that my teaching will bless my peers here at the retreat even as your teachings have encouraged me.

Thank you for your monumental work on The Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is so refreshing to have a commentary that states the author of this glorious Scripture was Jesus Christ Himself as He revealed His words to the Apostle John. I have taught Revelation over a two year period to the adult class at [a church] in Niagara Falls, Canada. I wish I had your notes when I taught this class! I will however, direct my students to your website so they can have a wonderful resource for their own study. Hopefully Dr. Robert L Thomas will be able to give you an endorsement (if you require one) Your work really needs no other endorsement than the blessings that will come from Jesus Christ to the lives of those who read and study this marvelous Scripture.

I have taken a print-out of your Revelation Commentary. It is one of my best collections. It is indeed a feast to spend time with it. I hope you are now working on another book. Friend, you are wonderfully blessed for writing ministry. Keep writing. "...freely ye have received, freely give." (Mat 10:8)

I so appreciate your teaching, and the time and effort you put into answering these questions. You are truly a blessing to me. I never take it for granted the hard work and care that you put into your lessons. God is so wonderful for giving us people like you. Thank you.

I am so blessed by your website. This website is one of the most helpful resources I have ever known. I just visited a while ago. Would you please send any available CD to the following Address? Thank you very much. I plan to use it for my teaching in local churches.

Since last summer I have been leading my Sunday School ladies through an in-depth study of Revelation. Along the way, through research and the website of Precepts Austin, I found your website and the wonderful wealth of materials you so generously have made available. Thank you so much! What a gold mine you have provided. I've downloaded both volumes of your Testimony of Jesus Christ and links to all of your mp3s to listen to as I drive, work, etc. This Sunday we've finally reached Rev Chapter 19 and are beginning to see the end in sight. What an exciting journey!!! I've learned so much through your studies, not just about Revelation, but about the Bible as a whole. Next week I'm attending a Precepts bible study on Acts and just discovered you're new study on Acts. Can't wait to begin listening to and reading them. Thanks again for your faithfulness to God's word and sharing it with others.

I just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoy your teaching, it has been a blessing and I have used much of it in the bible study I attend. May God use you to further His glory.

I was just provided a link to your website, and as always, the first thing I do is check the statement of faith in full anticipation of having to respond to the person who provided the link with a list of reasons why the website should not be used as a reference. I must say I was amazed as I read through the statement of faith on your site. Every point is dead on. The only concern my friend had was the section on sovereignty which I had no issue with. It has been my observation that most churches fail to adequately emphasize the absolute sovereignty of God. Also, the point was clarified in your section on predestination. I have forwarded your site to other friends and look forward to going through more of the material.

Also, I was very pleasantly surprised to see that you have chosen not to submit to 501C corporate status.

There is much more I would like to say, but for now I will have to conclude with, thank you for making this information available!

I wanted to thank you for your knowledge and teaching of the Bible. I had been avoiding [the book of] Revelation because I thought it too complicated to think about. Most of what I head heard about it was the "sensational" interpretations. Which kind of turned me off and made me uncomfortable. But you have made it more "real" and walked us through the complicated [parts]. Anyway, I can [now] read through it in peace!

I stumbled across the Spirit and Truth website quite by accident as I was looking for some study aids for the book of Revelation. I can hardly believe my good fortune at finding this site and your teaching! I would have been here years ago had I known, and I thank the Lord for His Spirit leading me here.

I have just completed all of the introduction slides and audio, even listening over again to a few of those and taking notes. Today I begin the first chapter and verse and I am so excited! I have new , blank notebook ready to be filled and a highlighter for my Bible. So, here I go! Thank you so much for your in depth teaching, for your years of study and writing, for listening to God s Holy Spirit. Your teaching has resonated with God s Holy Spirit in me from the first slide and I look forward to each day that I can get up with my morning coffee and turn on my computer to this teaching. I have also interested my husband in this and he has begun the study also.

May God richly bless you for making this available for anyone lucky enough to find this web site.

Thank you for your ministry. . . . I appreciate your love of the truth and obedience to God's word! Every time I understand Revelation a little better, . . . especially as it relates to the rest of the entire Bible, it is very rewarding.

I receive your DVD yesterday. We really appreciated you sharing your insight and life in Christ with everyone. I especially like the way you honestly wrestle with finding God's intended message from the many possible interpretations, and how you put the whole message together. It really helps us understand God's teaching. Thank you for helping us go deeper with God. May God continue to do more than you can ask or think,

Hi, I am reading your commentary on Daniel at the moment and I must say it is the most objective and exhaustive analysis of this book ever posted on the Internet. This coming Saturday I'm visiting a church in London. I'm going to recommend your commentary to those other believers! Thank you for your labor in this book. Line by line exposition seems to be disappearing from the church scene. Your methods seem much like those coming out of Dallas Theological Seminary decades ago.

I am extremely thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ for your website. I found it last night after years of searching for different sites. I have much to learn and look forward to learning more in detail. I have much more to say Lord willing as time goes by. What I have been looking for is a commentary that is different to the ones I have learned from. I understand the Holy Spirit is my teacher and scriptures speak to ones heart. I also understand (with care) there is room for learning through commentaries. May God Continue To Bless You And Those Around You

I thank the Father for your recorded lessons. I grew up in the very legalistic Church of Christ. Good people, but teaching is limited to basic things and limited my own growth in the knowledge of Christ. Your lessons are a blessing to me. Thank you.

I teach in an Evangelical Theological Seminary in India. I hold the office of the Academic Dean of the Seminary. I happened to see your materials. I was so impressed by the materials. Could you send me a copy of your DVD? May the Lord use all of your for edifying His people and reaching His world,

I wanted to thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I felt your response to my inquiries was succinct and encouraging.

Dr. Tony Garland of Spirit And Truth ministries has been a faithful ministry ally for the last 15 years. He has archived ALL of my written, audio, and video teaching during this time. See my column on . . . his homepage as well as the columns of the numerous other teachers archived on this wonderful website, which you can access by clicking here. Consider signing up for his free weekly email notifications. -- Dr. Andy Woods.

I want to tell you how much I appreciate your studies on the book of Revelation. I have been teaching through the book for over a year now on our midweek services and they have been a real blessing in helping prepare my studies. I had purchased two other commentaries that we supposed to be helpful, but hardly use them as they seem to obscure rather than enlighten in many cases. . . . Thank you again for your conscientious respect of God's Word. I have rarely found a modern commentator that treats the Word of God the way it should be treated. Thank you and may God continue to bless your ministry of the Word.

Your website and articles have formed the foundation of my study of Revelation. You research has been extremely helpful and I truly appreciate all of the work you have done.

Dear Tony, I've completed your audio commentary on the book of Acts and your Revelation study.

I thank God for teachers such as yourself. It was quite reassuring and a pleasure to listen to your work.

I've always been led to read the old Hebrew writers that found Jesus in the Old Testament. I found your teaching comparable to those wonderful teachers a hundred years ago. It shows me the same Spirit lives in you that lives in them and in me.

God Bless you, see you in the Eternal State.

I have found your Facebook page and will share it with a lot of people. If only I had these teachings 35 years ago when I got saved because I am a teacher of the Word as well. In 2010 the Spirit lead me to read the Bible as if I have never read it before. That is when I found out that we had been deceived regarding the Kingdom of Christ that is going to be established on the earth. Thanks for sharing all those teachers teachings with us. I still have a lot to learn but at least I found the right place to learn.

I cannot tell you how helpful you research on Revelation has been to me. I have not found such in depth research and commentary anywhere else. I cannot imagine how many hours you have spent on this research and it has been an enormous aid in my studies. A HUGE thank you!

We are currently using your study notes from your commentary on the book of Revelation. God is using you to help myself and others to receive the blessing promised in Revelation, thank you. One thing I’ve noticed, God’s Word excites your spirit . . . I can sometimes tell by the inflections in your voice, which is a blessed thing, because many don’t show that. Listening to some is like watching paint dry on the wall. . . . thank you for your ministry. I am looking forward to your commentary on Daniel!

Hi Dr. Garland. I wanted to send you a note to let you know how much I appreciate your ministry along with the Spirit and Truth web site. This site offers the most comprehensive collection of qualitative premillennial prophecy teachings I have found on the internet -- and all for free! And the peripheral Bible study helps are invaluable. In particular, I am impressed with your wealth of knowledge of the whole Bible. I have recently purchased your two volume book on Revelation and am looking forward to the completion of your work on Daniel. . . . I am very grateful to grow in my knowledge of the Lord and the Bible (in part) through ministries like yours.

I wanted to send an email to thank you very much for your teaching! You have been such a blessing to me. I have learned so much growing in my faith and my understanding of the scriptures. I am so impressed by your careful handling of God’s word. I am also blown away by your ability to point to many places in scripture to support your understanding of what the text is saying. I started by listening to your study on the book of revelation as I always wanted to understand this book and read some commentaries in the past, but was never able to understand much. I really feel that God brought me to your site and after listening to the 70 hours I had such a strong desire to immerse myself in the Old Testament and understand the complete word of God, where as in the past I focused more on the New Testament. Since then I have listened to your series on the covenants in the Bible, The Times of the Gentiles, and I am now listening to your series on the book of Daniel. I have also listened to your section on Romans 9-11 as we have been on this at church and I realised that my church believes in replacement theology. Once I started listening to your lectures, so many things started to click that didn’t really make sense before, for example the parable of the virgins always bothered me and when I listened to Rev 18 you talked about the wedding party this made so much more sense to me. I also have come to realise that there will be a coming physical kingdom based on the scripture and it alway made me wonder why the disciples seemed to keep going on about this, after listening to you I can see why they thought so from the Old Testament. I am so happy to grow in my understanding of what God’s word and what He is doing, so I cannot thank you enough. It is really difficult to find teaching like yours that covers the level of detail that you get in to. I really like how you put the scriptures down so I can look them up and having the notes makes it so much easier to review everything you have covered if I want to go back and look things up. Having it on audio is amazing as I can listen to you while I am driving, doing dishes or other time consuming tasks.

I have greatly benefited from your teaching . . . Revelation, Daniel, Israel and now Ezekiel. Your thorough handling of these books/subjects is rare and excellent! I discovered your web sight/teaching through Precept Austin.

Our family, and others in our circle, have valued and benefitted considerably from the spiritandtruth.org online resources. We'd like to pass on our heartfelt gratitude to the team for publishing the material, and without cost - what a blessing! Applying a consistently literal hermeneutic (and verse-by-verse study of prophetic passages) has filled in some important gaps for us, in our overall understanding of God's word and plan in history - especially helpful at this present time. The by-product is having a sense of peace in God during a particularly tumultuous time, in the church and in the West more broadly.
