Topic: Interpretation

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394Is Jerusalem the Harlot of Revelation 17?

I’m confused. In your article about the harlot, . . . . . [read more]

387Misusing Greek when Interpreting a Bible Passage

[This Q-and-A is in response to an exchange I had with a correspondent to our website in which they gave the following example — which serves as an illustration of an interpretive . . . . . [read more]

382John Piper on How NT Believers Should Understand OT Promises?

As a regular reader of S&T website and Paul's blog it would be very interesting to see someone engage with John Piper's latest article, . . . . . [read more]

371The Letter Kills, but the Spirit Gives Life

I was wondering what you think about 2 Corinthians 3:6 regarding the letter/spirit distinction Paul creates. . . . . . [read more]

349To Whom is the NT Book of 1 Peter Written?

I am currently in 1 Peter during my daily Bible study. Reading it at first glance seems like it is written specifically to Jewish Christians, similar to the book of Hebrews. Mostly because of . . . [read more]

347Can we Understand the Old Testament without the New Testament?

Christians that support Replacement Theology often see the Old Testament and Israel as a shadow of the things to come, Israel is like the incomplete . . . [read more]

326Are some Prophecies Fulfilled Twice?

Hello Tony, I was recently asked by a friend whether I believe that a prophecy of Scripture can have multiple fulfilment. What’s your take on this issue? It sometimes appears that way, . . . [read more]

321Baptism with Fire

Dear brother Tony, I want to thank you so much for the great job of putting together the commentary on the Book of . . . [read more]

316How to Respond to the Teaching that the Church is "Spiritual Israel"?

Dear Pastor Andy, I am a believer in Christ Jesus. A friend of mine just sent me the links for why the Church is not Israel. I just listened to all four of your teachings. What a tremendous . . . . [read more]

309Has the Bible Been Misinterpreted Concerning Homosexuality?

One of my friends informed me of her “revealed” homosexuality. I didn’t have much to say on the homosexual topic in the moment because she knew my stance on it already and I felt it . . . [read more]

300Interpretation and the Twenty-Four Elders of Revelation 4

Dr. Woods, Thank you for the thorough study on the history leading up to the Protestant Reformation. This info is a must for every believer, especially in . . . [read more]

283Interpretation and Salvation

Is a belief in the literal interpretation of the Bible prerequisite to . . . . . [read more]

282Genesis and an Old Earth?

My understanding of the origin of the universe is pretty close to the Big Bang, but I'm not sure (of course, uncertainty is the core of the Scientific Method). I have no issues whatsoever . . . . . [read more]

280Ezekiel 37 and the New Covenant

Most of my friends read the Church back into the Old Testament and its always been difficult for me to give biblical reference for why that can't be the case. I tend to try and just fight the . . . [read more]

259Understanding Prophetic Passages with Ancient Weapons

I just concluded reading through the book of Ezekiel as part of my one-year Bible reading plan. In reading Ezekiel 38 and 39, I couldn't but wonder at the explicit references to . . . [read more]

242Ask, Seek, Knock

In Rev. 3:20, Jesus says that He stands and knocks at the door and if we will open it He will come in. That makes sense, the handle is on the inside and only we have access to it. Then in . . . [read more]

238Revelation as Realized Eschatology?

For some time now, I've been wondering how I could reconcile justification by faith with the Book of Revelation. Recently I found my answer in this statement: Dr. Beatrice Neall presents a . . . [read more]

221Criticisms of the Futurist Interpretation of Revelation

Your assessment of the views of interpretation seems to be rather bias and judgmental. While I would fall somewhere between the preterist and the idealist (your terms), I do not exclude the . . . [read more]

219Rabbinical Avoidance of Jesus

I have been curious lately concerning how the Rabbis and those still steeped in the Jewish culture look at and exegete the Old Testament. I have often wondered if they might have cultural . . . [read more]

213The Proper Place of Typology in Interpretation

Dear Paul. Thank you for your wonderful articles. Although I can't follow all you've written I'm glad with most of it. But I also have a question. I was wondering what the meaning of all the . . . [read more]

204New Testament use of the Old Testament

Hello Tony, I was wondering if you could recommend an excellent resource on New Testament use of the Old Testament. I was thinking of buying Beale and Carson's Commentary on New Testament Use . . . [read more]

194Spiritualizing Old Testaments Passages

I've recently come across your website while trying to research information for a personal Bible study. My study is about how to interpret the Old Testament correctly. I have found your web . . . [read more]

191Interpreting Passages in Context

I read your article on Bible Prophecy Blog [also available at . . . [read more]

180Which Biblical Interpretation is Correct?

We know from Ephesians 4 that God has given the Church "pastors and teachers" to contribute toward the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of . . . [read more]

176Were the Events of Joel 2 Fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost?

Covenant Theologians like myself believe that many OT passages were fulfilled in the NT while Dispensational Theologians like those on your website believe that many of the OT passages are . . . [read more]

156Was Eating the Forbidden Fruit Symbolic or Literal?

Greetings from Europe. I have been viewing your Powerpoint presentation on The Fall of Man. It is quite interesting. You are . . . [read more]

143David’s Tabernacle - Experienced in Worship?

Dear Tony, I have been listening to your introduction to Daniel and am anxiously waiting for the actual commentary. Your explanation about the throne of David . . . [read more]

129What is the difference between moderate and progressive dispensationalism?

Tony, Some have described themselves as 'moderate' dispensationalists rather than 'progressive' dispensationalist. What is the difference? . . . . . [read more]

126How do we handle “contradictions” in the Bible?

When I come across something that seems contradictory or something that doesn't make sense to me, I tend to pay more attention to it because it's something I don't expect to see in a . . . . . [read more]

119Interpreting the Bible

When I was younger — around 10-13 — I would often talk to my pastor about things I was going through. I trusted him very much, but recently I have grown to distrust most . . . [read more]

59Word Meanings in the KJV Bible

I wanted to ask about helps for reading the KJV Bible. There are many resources available for the archaic words—that's not a problem. I'm concerned about words that I already know but . . . [read more]

42Romans 9:6 - For they are not all Israel who are of Israel

Thank you so much for helping me to see so clearly Romans 9:6 especially with the help of your diagrams.

I . . . [read more]

33Single Meaning

Thanks for the well structured and delivered Biblical Interpretation course. With a background in linguistics and grammaticalization in particular, I have some . . . [read more]

16Interpreting the Bible

One thing I am having some difficulty with is a good book on hermeneutics. How to study the bible so I can understand what some of those difficult to understand passages mean and I could . . . [read more]

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