Q400 : Resources for Home Schooling

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Q400 : Resources for Home Schooling

Hi Vicki,

We are a homeschooling family in Queensland, Australia. I'm reaching out to get any advice you may have regarding teaching the bible from a dispensational framework for a high school student. Are there any curriculum resources you are aware of, or online classes that teach bible courses dispensationally?

I'm trying to give my daughter a biblical worldview by:

  • Understanding God's overarching plan and purpose in each dispensation and through the progress of human history as a whole
  • Also understanding basic doctrines from a dispensational framework would be helpful for her too - eg. God, Man, Sin, Redemption, Israel, the Church, Eschatology
Many of the Christian homeschooling curriculum providers and Classical online colleges in the U.S. are Reformed in their orientation. Hence I'm a bit stuck. Am I missing something?

Thank you for any help you can give.

A400 : by Vicki Lewis

I agree with your assessment that most materials available in the Christian homeschooling market are from a Reformed perspective. My husband Steve and I also agree that a dispensational framework that relies on a literal interpretation of Scripture is absolutely the way to go.

Not being aware of any current curriculum that meets these criteria, we would suggest a series of topics be covered during the high school years: hermeneutics (how to study and interpret the Bible), surveys of both the Old and the New Testaments, basic theology (Bible doctrines), and a chronological study of the end times (eschatology).

Here are some suggested resources for each topic.

1. Principles of Bible Study

  • How to Study Your Bible, Kay Arthur. Harvest House. 2014. (Workbook available.)
  • Basic Bible Interpretation, Roy B. Zuck. David C. Cook. 1991.
2. Old Testament Survey

  • Survey of the Old Testament, Paul N. Benware. Moody Press. 2004.
  • A Popular Survey of the Old Testament, Norman L. Geisler. Baker Books. 1977.
3. New Testament Survey

  • Survey of the New Testament, Paul N. Benware. Moody Press. 2004.
  • A Popular Survey of the New Testament, Norman L. Geisler. Baker Books. 2014.
4. Basic Theology

  • Concise Bible Doctrines, Elmer Towns. AMG Publishers. 2006.
  • Basic Theology: A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth, Charles Ryrie. Moody Press. 1999.
We would also add

  • Israelology: The Missing Link In Systematic Theology, Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Ariel Ministries, 1994. This concerns what the bible teaches about Israel, something which most theology books do not cover.
5. Biblical Prophecy (Eschatology)

  • The End Times in Chronological Order, Ron Rhodes. Harvest House. 2012. Has a companion End Times in Chronological Order Workbook, Ron Rhodes. Harvest House. 2022.
  • Charting the End Times: A Visual Guide to Understanding Bible Prophecy, Tim LaHaye & Thomas Ice. Harvest House. 2021. Has a companion Charting the End Times Prophecy Study Guide, Tim LaHaye & Thomas Ice. Harvest House. 2002.
  • A Testimony of Jesus Christ: A Commentary on Revelationa, Tony Garland. 2007. One of the best commentaries on the book of Revelation is from the founder of SpiritandTruth.org. Available for purchase or for free on this website.
I hope this answers your questions. May God richly bless you and your family on this homeschooling adventure!

Links Mentioned Above
a - See https://www.spiritandtruth.org/id/revc.htm.
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