Jealous officials seek to subvert King Darius' plan to set Daniel over his realm. [50 minutes]
Tony Garland
Daniel is cast into a den of lions for praying to God. [38 minutes]
Tony Garland
In response to the miraculous preservation of Daniel amidst the lions, King Darius issues a proclamation honoring the God of Israel. [59 minutes]
Tony Garland
What is the Mid-Tribulation theory of the rapture? [1 hour 4 minutes]
Andy Woods
What is the Mid-Tribulation theory of the rapture? [57 minutes]
Andy Woods
What is the Post-Tribulation theory of the rapture? [58 minutes]
Andy Woods
Jesus offered up Himself, as a perfect sacrifice. [38 minutes]
Paul Henebury
Jeremiah predicted a New Covenant of which Jesus is the Mediator. [43 minutes]
Paul Henebury
The blood of Christ cleanses our conscience from dead works to serve the living God. [44 minutes]
Paul Henebury
Christ’s one-time offering, put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. [44 minutes]
Paul Henebury
God develops the Messianic line from Adam to Noah. [1 hour 2 minutes]
Andy Woods
Why all the begats? Why does the Bible give so much genealogical detail? [1 hour 4 minutes]
Andy Woods
The first murder could not stop continuation of the Messianic promise. [1 hour 5 minutes]
Andy Woods
What is the relationship between faith and works? [1 hour 3 minutes]
Andy Woods
What is the relationship between faith and works? [58 minutes]
Andy Woods
What is the relationship between faith and works? [1 hour 3 minutes]
Andy Woods
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Tony Garland