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 Newsletter - August 4, 2019

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  1. A Disturbing Dream (Daniel 1:17-2:16) 

    Nebuchadnezzar has a disturbing dream which only Daniel can interpret. [49 minutes]

    Paul Henebury
  2. The Great Image! (Daniel 2:25-45) 

    Nebuchadnezzar is shown a great image depicting Gentile kingdoms of significance to Israel [49 minutes]

    Paul Henebury
  3. Ripe for Judgment (Revelation 14:14-20) 

    God’s mercy withholds judgment, but his justice and righteousness make it inevitable. [59 minutes]

    Andy Woods
  4. Angelology, Part 5 - Satanology 1 (Genesis 3:1) 

    What does the Bible teach about a particularly malevolent angel named Satan? [1 hour]

    Andy Woods
  5. Amazon Giveaway: Revelation Commentary in Kindle Format 

    In an attempt to make Tony Garland’s Revelation Commentary more widely accessed, we have sponsored an Amazon Giveaway of the Kindle edition of the two-volume commentary.

    Tony Garland
  6. Eschatology and Bible Prophecy Study Library - Add-on product - Biblesoft 

    Tony Garland's Revelation commentary is now available within an Eschatology and Bible Prophecy Study Library for Biblesoft: alongside works by Seiss, Gaebelein, Hengstenberg, Bullinger, Larkin, Newell, Ryrie, Walvoord, Stedman, and Osborn.

    Tony Garland

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(Content generated on Sun Aug 4 18:24:20 2019)