Jesus understands our condition and temptations. [30 minutes]
Greg Summers
How is death related to sin and the law of Moses which came later? [32 minutes]
Greg Summers
The background, setting, and motivation for Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi. [43 minutes]
Paul Henebury
Paul thanks God for the church at Philippi and their fellowship in the gospel. [41 minutes]
Paul Henebury
John sees a glorious vision of Jesus on the Lord’s day. [1 hour 10 minutes]
Andy Woods
Are all the spiritual gifts in operation today? If not, why not? And which ones? [1 hour 3 minutes]
Andy Woods
Was Ahaziah 22 (2K 8:26) or 42 (2Chr. 22:2) when he began to reign?
Tony Garland
A premillennial church comes under the sway of the amillennial teaching that believers are "spiritual Israel."
Andy Woods
I found the following resources from other websites of interest.
Perhaps you will too:
Tony Garland