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envelop Newsletter - April 29, 2018

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  1. Daniel Interprets the Message (Daniel 5:24-28) 

    The mysterious writing on the wall is a divine rebuke of the king of Babylon. [36 minutes]

    Tony Garland

    Tony Garland
  2. Babylon Falls to Medo-Persia (Daniel 5:29-31) 

    The king of Babylon is slain and Darius the Mede receives the kingdom. [1 hour]

    Tony Garland

    Tony Garland
  3. I AM the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25) 

    Jesus overcame death because He is the Originator of Life. [38 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

    Paul Henebury
  4. I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6) 

    Jesus is the only way to the Father. [34 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

    Paul Henebury
  5. Aspects of Biblical Counseling - Week 2 

    Biblical transformation won’t be possible unless God’s Word has authority over us. [1 hour 42 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

    Paul Henebury
  6. Ecclesiology - The Purpose of the Church, Part 3 (Matthew 28:18-20) 

    What is the purpose of the Church and why does it matter? [59 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  7. Ecclesiology - The Purpose of the Church, Part 4 (1 Corinthians 12:7) 

    What are spiritual gifts and what is their purpose in relation to the church? [1 hour 3 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  8. The Coming Kingdom, Part 42 - Problems with "Kingdom Now" Theology, Part 3 (Jeremiah 30:7) 

    Are we in the kingdom now? What are some of the problems with thinking that we are in the kingdom age? [1 hour]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  9. The Coming Kingdom, Part 43 - Kingdom Now Passages? (Matthew 5:3,10) 

    How should we understand passages which kingdom-now proponents use to teach their view? [1 hour]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  10. Weakening the Strong (Daniel 12:5-7) 

    The Jews will find Messiah Jesus through difficult times. [1 hour 13 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  11. The Righteous and Wicked Contrasted (Daniel 12:8-10) 

    The character and destiny of the righteous and wicked couldn’t be more different. [1 hour 8 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  12. The Original "Doctor Death" (Hebrews 2:14-15) 

    Satan is the greatest mass-murderer of all time. [35 minutes]

    Greg Summers

    Greg Summers
  13. Intimacy with God (Hebrews 2:11-18) 

    Jesus calls believers "brethren" because we are born of God. [38 minutes]

    Greg Summers

    Greg Summers
  14. Superior to Moses (Hebrews 3:1-6) 

    Moses was a faithful servant of God, but Jesus surpasses him as God incarnate. [33 minutes]

    Greg Summers

    Greg Summers
  15. Q314 : Connections between Revelation 2 and Genesis 2 and 3 

    Which themes in Revelation 2 are also found in Genesis 2 and 3?

    Tony Garland

    Tony Garland
  16. Four Great Beasts from the Sea 

    A member of our congregation at Mabana Chapel who is gifted both musically and artistically, volunteered to paint a rendition of Daniel’s vision from Daniel chapter 7 for my use in my Daniel Commentary . Use of the image is subject to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license .

    Tony Garland

    Tony Garland
  17. Privacy Policy 

    Your privacy is important to us. Our privacy policy describes how we collect and use information about you.

    Tony Garland

    Tony Garland
  18. Recommended Resources 

    I found the following resources from other websites of interest. Perhaps you will too:

    Tony Garland

    Tony Garland

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