God blesses His chosen instruments, be they nations or people, in order to bless the world. [1 hour 7 minutes]
Andy Woods
The enemies of God will attempt to assert their will, eventually over the entire globe, but God’s purpose will prevail. [1 hour 9 minutes]
Andy Woods
How are believers to focus their walk in a way which pleases God and fulfills their calling? [39 minutes]
Paul Henebury
There are numerous differences between Israel and the Church which must be kept distinct to properly understand the Bible. [1 hour 2 minutes]
Andy Woods
There are numerous differences between Israel and the Church which must be kept distinct to properly understand the Bible. [57 minutes]
Andy Woods
By emptying Himself for our redemption Jesus is honored by having a more excellent name. [29 minutes]
Greg Summers
Jesus will administer justice and righteousness from an everlasting throne upon his return. [32 minutes]
Greg Summers
Having rejected Jesus as King, rulership authority over the world remains in Satan’s hands during this age. [1 hour 1 minute]
Andy Woods
The book of Revelation records the way in which the kingdom will eventually come on earth. [1 hour 3 minutes]
Andy Woods
If all our sins—past, present, and future—are forgiven in Christ, how can sin in the life of the believer affect fellowship with God?
Tony Garland
Which reading is older, "day of Christ" or "day of the Lord"?
Tony Garland
How does the rapture related to the "fullness of the Gentiles" mentioned by Paul in Romans 11:26?
Tony Garland
Should a believer sign a covenant to become a member of a local church?
Tony Garland
Where does the faith needed to believe on Christ come from? Is it innate in man, or given by God?
Tony Garland
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Tony Garland