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envelop Newsletter - December 3, 2017

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  1. The Invisible War, Part 3 (Daniel 10:12-13) 

    Events in the material world are influenced by an invisible spiritual conflict behind-the-scenes. [1 hour 7 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  2. The Invisible War, Part 4 (Daniel 10:14-11:1) 

    Events in the material world are influenced by an invisible spiritual conflict behind-the-scenes. [1 hour 10 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  3. Ecclesiology - The Bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:22-23) 

    The Church is betrothed to Christ as His bride-to-be. [59 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  4. Ecclesiology - The New Testament Temple (1 Corinthians 3:16) 

    The Church is a Temple Indwelt by the Spirit of God. [55 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  5. The Coming Kingdom, Part 28 - The Church is Distinct From Israel, Part 4 (Ephesians 1:3) 

    The Church, ministering between the first and second coming of Christ, is distinct from Israel. [1 hour 2 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  6. Apologetics and Worldview: Scientism and Circularity 

    Is science the objective pursuit of truth it is represented to be? [1 hour 37 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

    Paul Henebury
  7. Biblical Hope (Colossians 1:3-8) 

    Believers have hope beyond this life. [39 minutes]

    Greg Summers

    Greg Summers
  8. Once Saved, Always Saved (Colossians 1:23) 

    Assurance of salvation is an important foundation for continued spiritual growth. [37 minutes]

    Greg Summers

    Greg Summers
  9. The Power of Deception (Proverbs 6:16-19) 

    Liars will be condemned in the lake of fire (Rev. 22:15) [32 minutes]

    Greg Summers

    Greg Summers
  10. Q300 : Interpreting the Twenty-Four Elders of Revelation 4 

    Are dispensationalists spiritualizing Revelation 4 when they identify the 24 elders as representing the Church?

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  11. One Year Bible (McCheyne Schedule) 

    We've added McCheyne’s reading schedule to the One Year Bible on our website. Read the Bible through each year following either McCheyne’s schedule or the schedule found in the MacArthur Study Bible .

    Tony Garland

    Tony Garland

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