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envelop Newsletter - November 13, 2016

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  1. Question 8 - Have People Gone to Heaven and Back? 

    What do you think about people who claim to have gone to Heaven? [7 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

    Paul Henebury
  2. Salvation and Eternal Security - Part 19 (2 Corinthians 13:5) 

    What does it mean to test yourself to see if you are in the faith? [59 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  3. The Promised Son of David (Acts 13:13-26) 

    Jesus is the promised Son of David, the Savior of the world. [49 minutes]

    Tony Garland

    Tony Garland
  4. Introduction to Daniel (Deuteronomy 28:49-50) 

    Andy lays a foundation for understanding the verse-by-verse teaching to follow. [1 hour 12 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  5. Do Not Take Revenge (Romans 12:19-21) 

    All wrong-doing will eventually be taken into account by the Just One. [36 minutes]

    Greg Summers

    Greg Summers
  6. Recommended Articles 

    I found the following articles from other websites of interest. Perhaps you will too:

    Tony Garland

    Tony Garland

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(Content generated on Sun Nov 13 21:53:34 2016)