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envelop Newsletter - May 8, 2016

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  1. Surprised by the Power of Prayer (Acts 12:12-19) 

    Peter's release from prison astonishes those praying on his behalf. [37 minutes]

    Tony Garland

    Tony Garland
  2. Reformed Epistemology 

    Belief in God is a common-sense, experiential, rational fact which is foundational to the ability to know or argue anything. [9 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

    Paul Henebury
  3. Salvation and Good Works (Ephesians 2:8-10) 

    As New Testament Christians we have the capacity for, number 1, good works; we have the capacity, number 2, for overcoming habitual sin patterns that characterize our lives. And we ought to have an incentive to avoid habitual sin patterns that can characterize our lives at times, not because of some fear about my security, loss of salvation, never had salvation, not getting into the millennium, but it’s inconsistent with my new identity in Christ. [1 hour 6 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  4. Why Preach the Bible? - Part 4 (2 Timothy 3:17) 

    There are many, many people in the body of Christ that want to do this and that for God; they have a zeal for some ministry or for some vision that they have but they have never really allowed themselves to be equipped by God’s Word for that task. Think about Jesus: Jesus had a thirty year preparation for a three year ministry, but most of us would rather have that order reversed. [58 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  5. Recommended Articles 

    I found the following articles from other websites to be of interest. Perhaps you will too:

    Tony Garland

    Tony Garland

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(Content generated on Sun May 8 19:52:48 2016)