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envelop Newsletter - February 14, 2016

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  1. Son of Encouragement (Acts 11:19-26) 

    Barnabas comes to the aid of the fledgling church at Antioch and fetches Paul to help with the task of discipling new believers. [41 minutes]

    Tony Garland

    Tony Garland
  2. The Last Days Apostasy of the Church (2 Timothy 3:1) 

    What is "apostasy" and how does it make its way within an unwary Church? (I highly recommend giving this a listen—one of the best presentations on this neglected topic you're likely to hear. — Tony) [1 hour 12 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  3. Biblical Covenantalism 

    What is “Biblical Covenantalism” and why is it important when interpreting the Bible? [12 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

    Paul Henebury
  4. Soteriology - One Condition for Salvation (Acts 16:30-31) 

    If you had less than a minute to speak with an unsaved person who was about to die, what would you share so that they might attain eternal life? [1 hour 5 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  5. The Creation Project 

    Creation initiates a teleology and an eschatology which is supported by the Biblical Covenants. [10 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

    Paul Henebury

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(Content generated on Sun Feb 14 17:24:49 2016)