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envelop Newsletter - April 26, 2015

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  1. Apostasy or Rapture? 

    What is the meaning of the word "apostasy" in 2 Thessalonians 2:3a? [46 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  2. Examining Ourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5) 

    What did Paul mean when he wrote to the Corinthians about examining themselves concerning the faith? [52 minutes]

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  3. God Justifies the Ungodly through Faith (Romans 4:4-12) 

    The righteousness of God is imputed to those who trust God by faith. [40 minutes]

    Greg Summers

    Greg Summers
  4. How is Righteousness Gained (Romans 4:13-16)? 

    Through self-effort, many try to achieve what God has already freely provided. [36 minutes]

    Greg Summers

    Greg Summers
  5. Christ as the Center of Scripture - Parts 4-6 

    Dr. Henebury presents the main parts of Biblical Covenantalism, showing how the Bible's own covenants act as sign posts and set forth the purposes of God in Creation. At the center of this covenantal outworking of God's plan is the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. This way of looking at the Bible also demonstrates how the two Testaments go together without the need to revert to typology or spiritualizing. [All six sessions: 5 hours 15 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

    Paul Henebury
  6. The Coming Kingdom - Part 35 

    Since the biblical text itself fails to positively teach or convey the notion of a present spiritual establishment of the messianic kingdom of God, it is common for "kingdom now" theologians to appeal to an argument from silence. According to this line of thought, since the New Testament fails to mention or emphasize a future earthly kingdom, then the promise of a future terrestrial rule of Christ has somehow been cancelled.

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods
  7. The Coming Kingdom - Part 36 

    the "kingdom now" theologian is wrong in assuming that the New Testament is completely silent on the subject of the restoration of Israel's terrestrial kingdom promises. While not emphasizing this truth to the same degree as is found in the pages of the Old Testament, the New Testament still affirms this truth in several places.

    Andy Woods

    Andy Woods

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