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 Newsletter - June 23, 2014

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  1. Matthew 22 

    This chapter includes the Parable of the Wedding Feast, and the questions from the Pharisees and Sadduccees. [28 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

  2. John the Baptist Heralds the Christ (Matthew 3:1-6) 

    Crowds came to the wilderness to hear John preach and to repent of their sins. [36 minutes]

    Greg Summers

  3. The Priestly Covenant 

    After a 7 minute review this lesson looks at the most neglected covenant in the Bible: the covenant made with Phinehas in Numbers 25. [39 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

  4. Q242 : Ask, Seek, Knock 

    What did Jesus mean when He taught about asking, seeking, and knocking?

    Tony Garland

  5. Some Mud That Sticks: An Insider’s Criticism of Dispensationalism 

    It is our opinion that dispensationalism can be (and ought to be) wedded to a full-orbed systematic world and life view, but only if it begins to take itself more seriously and starts the painful process of self-examination. In order to do this it must divest itself of the pragmatic outlook that it often clings to, and which spoils its thinking and stunts its theological development.

    Paul Henebury

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