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 Newsletter - March 23, 2014

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  1. Matthew 19 and 20 

    These two chapters are filled with interest as the Lord teaches on divorce, true faith, "the regeneration", ambition, and more. Dr Henebury spends some time discussing the difficult parable of the laborers in 20:1-16. [42 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

  2. Praying in Jesus' Name (John 14:8-14) 

    Believers will do greater works than Jesus through dependence upon the Holy Spirit whom Jesus would send upon His departure. [1 hour 14 minutes]

    Andy Woods

  3. Judging Your Brother (Matthew 7:1-5) 

    Mature judgment requires balance, grace, and discernment. [35 minutes]

    Greg Summers

  4. Q108 : Paul and the Imminent Return of Jesus 

    Was Paul wrong when he taught that Jesus could come while Paul was still alive?

    Tony Garland

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