God's truth is selectively received, but highly productive when it yields a crop. [35 minutes]
Greg Summers
A series of brief biographies concerning Christians every believer should be acquainted with.
This talk is for those unfamiliar with Calvin. It is designed simply to refute some stereotypes.
This presentation appears courtesy of
Telos Ministries
. [46 minutes]
Paul Henebury
Charlie Dyer and co-host Denny Nugent interview Andy concerning the biblical significance of Babylon for the Moody Radio program "
The Land and the Book
." [13 minutes]
Andy Woods
Recent developments in the United States reveal a nation rapidly abandoning its Biblical moorings.
In what has become an annual Independence Day tradition, Andy discusses the Biblical moorings upon which the United States rose to influence and why her present trajectory is cause for concern. [75 minutes].
Andy Woods
When it comes to responding to God, there is no such thing as neutrality. [38 minutes]
Greg Summers
The first in a three-part introduction to this Gospel before getting into the Gospel proper. Paul Henebury discusses the author, date and the origin of Matthew's gospel.
This lecture is part of course offered by
Telos Biblical Institute
. [23 minutes]
Paul Henebury
If Matthew 6:9-13 is in actuality a model prayer for the disciples consisting of three requests for the kingdom to come and three additional requests for their temporal needs to be met prior to the kingdom's establishment, then it becomes obvious that the Lord did not establish the kingdom at His First Advent.
Otherwise, the "Disciples' Prayer" becomes nonsensical.
After all, why pray for the coming of the kingdom and make additional requests until its establishment if the kingdom were already a present reality?
Andy Woods
Andy reviews numerous trends which point toward the rise of a coming world government. This
Gathering Storm
presentation appears by permission of
Scofield Prophecy Studies
[57 minutes].
Andy Woods