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 Newsletter - June 9, 2013

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  1. The Birth of the Church (Acts 2:1-4) 

    What is the significance of the unusual events which transpired on the Day of Pentecost? Should Christians expect to experience the same events throughout the Church Age? [64 minutes]

    Tony Garland

  2. The Great I AM (John 8:48-59) 

    The Jews attempt to stone Jesus for explaining that He existed before father Abraham and for identifying Himself as the great "I AM" of Exodus 3. [54 minutes]

    Andy Woods

  3. Insincere Questions (Matthew 12:38-42) 

    Failure to respond to greater revelation leads to greater judgment. [35 minutes]

    Greg Summers

  4. Telos Theological Ministries 

    It has been a long time coming, but we praise God that we can now announce that Veritas School of Theology is now a part of TELOS THEOLOGICAL MINISTRIES . We have rebranded as Telos Ministries because we were finding that people were confusing us with the other ministries who had begun to call themselves "Veritas" since we launched in 2007. Besides the fact that Veritas is a well-used name — from everything to Christian schools to language software to instrument sales! — we had always liked "Telos" and indeed had given that name to this Newsletter well before the inspiration to rebrand. The process has been painstakingly slow, but we are pleased to now have a unique name and a clear purpose in the long-awaited expansion. This is the website of our main or "umbrella" ministry. Here you'll find lots of audio lectures, sermons, articles and links on many important subjects.

    Paul Henebury

  5. Telos Biblical Institute 

    The seminary — Veritas School of Theology — has not gone away! Rather, the site has been improved and brought up to date. In addition to rigorously challenging Bachelor's and Master's programs, there are new Certificate programs for saints who don't want to pursue a full degree, but who wish to do some concentrated study in one area. Telos Biblical Institute even has Diploma programs for the more adventurous. We humbly believe this is the best school for its price on the internet.

    [Editor's note: you'll find a number of the teachers contributing as guest faculty at Telos Biblical Institute.]

    Paul Henebury

  6. The Coming World Government 

    Andy reviews numerous trends which point toward the rise of a coming world government. This Gathering Storm presentation appears by permission of Scofield Prophecy Studies [56 minutes].

    Andy Woods

  7. Biblical Covenants and Normative Hermeneutics 

    My concern in this article is to address this phenomenon of prophetic makeover. How can God express Himself in the most forceful language of commitment to Israel and not mean what He is saying (Jer. 31-33)? How can God make a solemn oath to accomplish stipulations which He and no one else has placed upon Himself and proceed to "expand" these stipulations beyond all recognition (Gen. 15)? And what, if anything, gives Christians the right to re-interpret the language of God’s unilateral promises to the Patriarchs? Where is the “wiggle room” in the covenant obligations which Jehovah placed Himself under?

    Paul Henebury

  8. Revelation in Three Hours 

    Andy takes the listener on a bird's eye tour of the Book of Revelation in under three hours. [144 minutes].

    This presentation was given at the "Revelation Conference" hosted by The Brook Church in Tomball, Texas on May 11, 2013.

    Andy Woods

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