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 Newsletter - October 23, 2011

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  1. The Unique Person of the Savior 

    An examination of the unique personal attributes of our Savior, Jesus Christ, with special attention to what they teach us as His followers. [51 minutes]

    Andy Woods

  2. The Priestly Covenant 

    We examine God's covenant made with Phinehas (Num. 25) concerning an everlasting priesthood and its implications for prophetic interpretation. [40 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

  3. What is True Spiritual Success? (Mat. 22:34-40) 

    Striving for success in the world or in ministry can often leave Christians with an inner life which is no longer being nurtured through a close walk with God.

    Greg Summers

  4. A Disingenuous God? - Part 3 

    I believe that God means what He says! I trust such a God. I believe what He graciously promises me in the Gospel. But I don't see how I can trust a god who misled thousands of pious Jews (and Christians) into believing the plain-sense of his words and then "fulfilled" them entirely differently. If he can do that to others, he can do it to me.

    Paul Henebury

  5. Question #174 - Who is a True Jew? 

    In the Old Testament, the terms "Israel," "Jacob," and "Jew" all seem to clearly be applied to the grandson of Abraham, the son of Isaac: the man Jacob and his physical descendants. But in the New Testament, the terms "Israel" and "Jew" are used in passages which are more difficult to understand. Are believing Gentiles called "Israel" or "Jews" in the New Testament?

    Tony Garland

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