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 Newsletter - October 16, 2011

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  1. A Lawyer Tests Jesus (Mat. 22:34-40) 

    Jesus indicates that the ultimate goal of the Law and the Prophets is to develop love as expressed in relationship between man and God and man and fellow man. [35 minutes]

    Greg Summers

  2. The Promised Seed in the Four Pentateuchal Poems 

    Four major poetic passages within the first five books of the Bible are examined which focus our attention upon the individual who is the promised seed. [25 minutes]

    Paul Henebury

  3. The Believer's Security (Rom. 8:31-39) 

    Those who trust in Christ are born again into a secure relationship with God. [64 minutes]

    Andy Woods

  4. A Disingenuous God? - Part 2 

    Suppose someone made you a promise concerning something of great importance to you. This person then went a step further and, to show his intent to make good his promise, entered in to some solemn ritual involving a self-maledictory oath. You could surely trust the promise right?

    Paul Henebury

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(Content generated on Sun Oct 16 20:24:13 2011)