As Jesus approaches Jerusalem, the adulation of the crowd will prove to be short-lived. [34 minutes]
|  Greg Summers |
Eschatology can be of great personal significance, especially when it concerns what the Bible reveals concerning death. [35 minutes]
|  Paul Henebury |
Paul explains that even though Israel received greater revelation as God's chosen nation, the Jews, like the Gentiles, stand guilty before God. [64 minutes]
|  Andy Woods |
As we home school our children we are to teach and show our children that God's reputation can be upheld and honored in each subject area; that God carries weight in academics; that He is both important and significant in history, in mathematics, in science; and that because He is sovereign, He influences all of knowledge. Do you see God in each area of your curriculum? You will need to see Him for yourself so that you can point Him out to your children!
|  Vicki Lewis |