Topic: Trinity

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363Are the Jews Expecting a Divine Messiah?

Hello Tony, I hope you are doing well, and want to thank you again for your ministry and willingness to answer our questions! It is much appreciated I was posed an interesting question the . . . [read more]

324Did Jesus Die Spiritually?

Hello Tony. Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. I have a little question which has agitated my mind lately. I know that when Adam ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he died . . . [read more]

270Christianity and Other Religions

Is Christianity compatible with other religious . . . . . [read more]

78The Importance of the Trinity

My husband and I had been Jehovah's Witnesses for many years. We tried hard to comply with every word written by the organisation believing it was Gods channel. I really didn't think we were . . . . [read more]

31Allah in Islam vs. Arab Christianity

Where did the word Allah come from? I've heard the many names for our God, but never Allah. Is the Allah of Islam the same as the Allah of Arab Christians?

The word Allaah is not . . . [read more]

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