Topic: Supercessionism

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392Passover in relation to Communion

Hi Tony, I have come across this claim from a professing conservative Reformed evangelical regarding the observance of the Passover: “The . . . . . [read more]

385Believing Gentiles and Israel: The People of God through the Ages?

I have three new questions and hope you can shed some light on them. 1. In Ephesians 2:11-13, Paul said that the believing Gentiles have been brought near to God. “Therefore, remember that . . . [read more]

382John Piper on How NT Believers Should Understand OT Promises?

As a regular reader of S&T website and Paul's blog it would be very interesting to see someone engage with John Piper's latest article, . . . . . [read more]

358Understanding of Scripture Growing, but Unsure of the Rapture

I wanted to send an email to thank you very much for your teaching! You have been such a blessing to me. I have learned so much growing in my faith and my understanding of the scriptures. I am . . . [read more]

356Replacement Theology and Jewish Evangelism

I am trying to understand the reason why some fellow Christians who hold to replacement theology (or supercessionism) seem to get extremely irritated when they see Jewish evangelism from . . . . . [read more]

349To Whom is the NT Book of 1 Peter Written?

I am currently in 1 Peter during my daily Bible study. Reading it at first glance seems like it is written specifically to Jewish Christians, similar to the book of Hebrews. Mostly because of . . . [read more]

347Can we Understand the Old Testament without the New Testament?

Christians that support Replacement Theology often see the Old Testament and Israel as a shadow of the things to come, Israel is like the incomplete . . . [read more]

346Does Israel have Continued Significance in the Plan of God and in Relation to Evangelization?

I’m recently involved in a debate with a dear brother In Christ, who loves the Lord and is very evangelistic, but is steeped in replacement theology. He appears questioning over my support for . . . [read more]

316How to Respond to the Teaching that the Church is "Spiritual Israel"?

Dear Pastor Andy, I am a believer in Christ Jesus. A friend of mine just sent me the links for why the Church is not Israel. I just listened to all four of your teachings. What a tremendous . . . . [read more]

294Why is Replacement Theology so Widespread?

Why do most of the American theological seminaries teach replacement theology, when the one you attended in Dallas . . . [read more]

278Did Gentiles Become Jews in the Old Testament?

I just read Question 174 on your website and your response. I agree with it in totality. However, I recently stumbled on a very . . . [read more]

245Amillennialism and the Land Promise

Paul Thanks very much for your series of Biblical Covenantalism. I stumbled upon this at just the time I needed it - and therefore believe God led me to your . . . [read more]

232Did Early Students of the Bible Predict the Reestablishment of Israel?

One thing to note about Israel's return. In the 1930's, pre-Nazi Germany, a famous Rabbi in Europe was often published for his studies into the ancient prophetic texts. In his works, he never . . . [read more]

231Is Today's Return of Israel Scriptural?

I started feeling some real disturbance in my spirit over the past few years, both on how Christians almost have a worship of Israel, and from my economic and historical research into the . . . [read more]

198Recommending Reading in Dispensationalism

Could you suggest a list of resources for readers who would like to become more familiar with Dispensational . . . . . [read more]

177The Church and the Promised Land

Hello Paul, [Former dispensationalist] Grover Gunn says dispensationalists say the spiritual seed of Abraham (defined in Gal 3) have no . . . [read more]

176Were the Events of Joel 2 Fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost?

Covenant Theologians like myself believe that many OT passages were fulfilled in the NT while Dispensational Theologians like those on your website believe that many of the OT passages are . . . [read more]

175The Church and the Abrahamic Covenant

What exactly is the relationship of the Abrahamic covenants and it's promises to the church? I know that gentiles could become Jews as proselytes under the Mosaic covenant. I also know that in . . . [read more]

174Who is a True Jew?

In the Old Testament, the terms "Israel," "Jacob," and "Jew" all seem to clearly be applied to the grandson of Abraham, the son of Isaac: the man Jacob and his . . . [read more]

162Is Today’s Israel Still Chosen by God?

Hi. I stumbled upon your site today and have read many of the answers that have been posted to questions pertaining to the end-times and Israel and related topics. I have to say your biblical . . . [read more]

137Covenant, Reformed, and Dispensational Theology - What do they mean?

Hi Tony, About a year ago you helped me out with the book on Israelology (Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic . . . [read more]

136Praying for Israel

How would you pray for Israel at this time . . . as we see Turkey, Iran, other Arab countries and the world gathering momentum against her? Are there scriptures to give me a roadmap and a . . . [read more]

104Are Gentile Believers part of Israel?

I am busy with your teaching on the covenants and finding it very informative. I would just like to ask you the following:

  • Are we as "gentile Christians" part . . . [read more]
59Word Meanings in the KJV Bible

I wanted to ask about helps for reading the KJV Bible. There are many resources available for the archaic words—that's not a problem. I'm concerned about words that I already know but . . . [read more]

58Ezekiel 38 and the Rapture

Is it likely that the church will have already been raptured by the time Gog attempts to invade Israel? I mean, there's no indication that any other big nations are preventing the attack. And . . . [read more]

42Romans 9:6 - For they are not all Israel who are of Israel

Thank you so much for helping me to see so clearly Romans 9:6 especially with the help of your diagrams.

I . . . [read more]

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