Topic: Second Coming

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387Misusing Greek when Interpreting a Bible Passage

[This Q-and-A is in response to an exchange I had with a correspondent to our website in which they gave the following example — which serves as an illustration of an interpretive . . . . . [read more]

386Does 2 Thessalonians 1:6-7 Preclude a Pretribulational Rapture?

Hi Tony, Greetings to you in Christ. I have a very important question on 2 Thessalonians 1:6-7 passage which poses a serious challenge for pretribulationism. I just wanted to . . . . . [read more]

369Is the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins a Literal Judgment?

This is a follow-on question to a previous question. This paragraph from Pentecost's book "Things to Come,"2 is . . . [read more]

368What Does Paul Mean that All Israel Will be Saved (Romans 11:26)?

I have heard a few teachers preach about Romans 11:26 "and so all Israel will be saved". Most say that this is talking about "corporate" Israel, or the majority of Israel, . . . [read more]

358Understanding of Scripture Growing, but Unsure of the Rapture

I wanted to send an email to thank you very much for your teaching! You have been such a blessing to me. I have learned so much growing in my faith and my understanding of the scriptures. I am . . . [read more]

332Do You Believe in Historic (Classic) Premillennialism?

Do you believe in Historic (Classic) Premillennialism? I'm wanting to learn about this view. A simple "yes" or "no" to the first question will do. If "yes", I . . . [read more]

330Discerning Rapture from Second Coming Passages

Hello Dr. Garland: Your website and articles have formed the foundation of my study of Revelation. You research has been extremely helpful and I truly appreciate all of the work you have done. . . . [read more]

328Will Unbelievers Participate in the Kingdom of God?

Hello Tony, I hope you are well, and I appreciate all you are doing through your website/ministry, thank you! My question is about the sheep and goat judgement described in Matthew 25:31-46, . . . [read more]

317Who Enters the Millennial Kingdom?

Dr. Woods, Who actually do you believe enters the millennial kingdom? Matthew 25:31-46 says the righteous (sheep) inherit ETERNAL life. Does this imply they don’t enter into the millennial . . . . . [read more]

292Have the events in the Book of Revelation already taken place?

Tony, I read your interesting online article Revelation 1:7 - Past or Future? From the start you need to know I am NOT a Preterist. I . . . [read more]

290Has Daniel 7:13 been Fulfilled?

To Tony Garland Hi, I am reading your commentary on Daniel at the moment and I must say it is the most objective and exhaustive analysis of this book ever posted . . . [read more]

279Sheep, Goats, and the Lake of Fire

Dear Tony, Greeting to you in the peerless name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I was reflecting on the sheep and goats judgment and wondering whether the King's making of the goats to depart into . . . . [read more]

262What Does Paul Mean by "That Day" in 2 Thessalonians 2:3?

I am writing because of Paul's instructions in 2 Thess. 2:3, . . . . . [read more]

246A Single Judgment?

The other Sunday evening we were having a Bible Study in our church on the so-called “Parable of the Sheep and Goats.” Our Pastor insists that the judgment here is the “final judgment.” In . . . [read more]

206Upon Whom Does Jesus Come as a Thief?

A question I have pertains to Revelation 16:15. . . . . . [read more]

193One Taken and One Left

I am going through your Revelation study and so appreciate your gentle tone and teaching style. There is much to glean and contemplate as I listen and look at the . . . [read more]

172One Taken and One Left

Hey Andy, I listened to the rapture material and am wondering if Matthew 24:32-42 applies to the . . . . . [read more]

170Accepting Christ After His Return?

Tony, The men's group at the church I belong to will start a study of Revelation next month. I would like to reference your material. Is that OK? I anticipate some reaction to the discussion . . . [read more]

163Who Enters the Millennial Kingdom?

Dear Tony, I am listening to your audio teaching on Revelation. There are a few things I do not understand with respect to your views. According to Revelation, . . . [read more]

150Who is "Taken" at the Second Coming?

Blessings to you and Shalom, As I study I have found verses that state there were two in a bed and one was taken, there were two in the field and one was taken. Most people state that this is . . . [read more]

135The Bittersweet Experience of Knowing the Future

Your “Who enters the Millennial Kingdom” article is very good, thanks. If you have time, here is a follow-on question. During the millennial kingdom I wonder what we . . . [read more]

134Who Enters the Millennial Kingdom?

Dear Tony, Would you help me and my wife with a question? Who will enter the millennium? Will it only be the Tribulation Saints and those of us taken up in the Gathering of the Bride . . . [read more]

108Paul and the Imminent Return of Jesus

Please consider the following verses. . . . . . [read more]

50Revelation of the Man of Sin

Would it be possible for you to clear up one question I have?

It is regarding 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4

I have tried to understand this portion in light of the teaching of Scripture . . . [read more]

46Matthew 24, Luke 17 and the Rapture

I wish to thank you for the two CDs received. I have been going through your Revelation Commentary. Though I am still in the first . . . [read more]

27Revelation 1:7 - Past or Future?

I am very gratetul to you for your commentary on Revelation on the Spirit and Truth site. It has proved an extremely valuable resource . . . [read more]

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