SpiritAndTruth.org Newsletter

Newsletter - March 19, 2006

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The following new materials are available:

Description Media Author
Questions and Answers
Tony Garland

Tony Garland

Prophecy and the Jews Conference

With Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum

Date and Time



April 9, 2006

9:30 am

Arnold Fruchtenbaum


10:45 am

Arnold Fruchtenbaum

The Arab States in Prophecy

7:00 pm

Arnold Fruchtenbaum

The Passover Feast

April 10, 2006


Lunch at Granny�s Buffet

2:00 � 2:30 pm

Prayer, Welcome, and Introductions

2:30 � 3:40 pm

John Niemel�

The Exegetical Process in Philemon

6:00 � 7:00 pm


7:00 � 8:00 pm

Arnold Fruchtenbaum

The Events Leading Up to the Great Tribulation

April 11, 2006

8:30 � 9:00 am

Fellowship and Prayer

9:00 � 10:20 am

John Niemel�

The Exegetical Process in Philemon

10:50 � 12:00 noon

Bob Bolender

Feigned Obedience

12:00 � 2:00 pm

Lunch at Granny�s Buffet

2:00 � 3:20 pm

Tony Garland

Revelation 1:7 � Past or Future?

6:00 � 7:00 pm


7:00 � 7:30 pm

Bob Thompson

Village Ministries International Presentation

7:30 � 8:00 pm

Arnold Fruchtenbaum

The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist

April 12, 2006

8:30 � 9:00 am

Fellowship and Prayer

9:00 � 10:20 am

Bruce Einspahr


(Militant Fundamentalism versus the Bible)

10:40 � 12:00 noon

Arnold Fruchtenbaum

Israel Returning to their Land: Scripture Review

12:00 � 2:00 pm

Lunch at Granny�s Buffet � Afternoon Free

6:00 � 7:00 pm


7:00 � 8:00 pm

Arnold Fruchtenbaum

The Final Restoration of Israel



Prophecy Conference
sponsored by
Tony Garland

Tony Garland

will be giving a presentation on the topic "Revelation 1:7 - Past or Future?" at the conference.

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