langtag 0.5 hebgrk 0.4 --------------------------------------------- langtag --------------------------------------------- Usage: langtag [flags] path1 [path2...] FLAGS ----- -? Print out help and exit. -help Print out help and exit. -advance Normally, breathmarks are only advanced to precede capital vowels. When the -advance flag is specified, breathmarks for all vowels and diphthongs are advanced to precede the vowel or diphthong. -space When advancing breathmarks (see -advance), insert an extra space ahead of the advanced breathmark to increase separation from the preceding text. -unicode Use unicode fonts (see below). TYPICAL USAGE ------------- The most common way which langtag is used is to tag HTML files containing Hebrew or Greek language represented as ASCII characters and convert them for display using HTML markup. Greek {grk|Ijerosovluma} Hebrew {heb|yis.r'ael} Transliteration {tra|agapao-} Each markup consists of three components: (1) a "tag" identifying the markup (2) a vertical bar separating the tag from the contents (3) text representing the contents of the markup to be converted NOTE: THERE CANNOT BE A SPACE BETWEEN THE END OF THE TAG (1) AND THE VERTICAL BAR (2). This is to differentiate between langtag markup and the frequent use of the vertical bar to separate text links as in: choice A | choice B | choice C The following markup tags are supported: grk Greek using codes corresponding to the BSTGreek font. heb Hebrew using codes corresponding to the BSTHebrew font. grk+ Same as grk, but include a transliteration of Greek. heb+ Same as heb, but include a transliteration of Hebrew. tra Transliteration (see font_example_langtag.htm for examples). [other] All other tags are assumed to represent HTML entities and are expanded as: text For example: {sup|superscript text} Expands to: superscript text Markup tags may be nested. For example: {h1|My Heading with {i|Italics}} {p|This is a paragraph containing {i|italic text} and {b|bold text}.} They may also include attributes: {font size="+2" color="red"|large red text} which generates: large red text HEBREW AND GREEK ---------------- The codes used for the Hebrew and Greek input text correspond to the free BSTHebrew and BSTGreek fonts available from The Hebrew or Greek markup is automatically converted as follows: 1. Final characters (e.g, sigma in Greek, mem in Hebrew) are converted to the appropriate form. (This means you can type a final 's' or 'm' in your language and let langtag take care of converting it to the alternative final form.) 2. Appropriate markers are placed around the text. For example: Ijerosuvluma (Jerusalem) yis.r'ael (Israel) The user must use an associated style (usually from a style sheet) to associate a font and other display characteristics with each language (see below). 3. If the -unicode flag is NOT specified, then Hebrew text is automatically reversed: lea'r.siy (Israel) 4. If the -unicode flag is specified, then the order of the Hebrew text is not modified. Applications, such as Web browsers, which support unicode automatically reverse the order of Hebrew when they display the text. In addition, the -unicode flag causes the class names within the markers designating Greek and Hebrew to include a "u" prefix: Ijerosuvluma (Jerusalem) yis.r'ael (Israel) This allows the same style sheet to specify different fonts for use with non-unicode vs. unicode fonts. You can use the included style sheet by placing the following line in the header portion of your HTML file: Or you can specify the styles in the portion of the document: ... See the associated styles.css file as an example. CONVERTING FILES ---------------- A command-line (DOS) utility named LANGTAG.EXE is included. To convert one or more files, this utility can be run at the command line to specify the flags and files (and/or folders) to convert. Alternately, if the default operation is adequate, you can drag and drop files to convert them: 1. Within Explorer, drag-and-drop the input file(s) onto the LANGTAG.EXE file in the directory where LANGTAG.EXE was unzipped. 2. LANGTAG.EXE will create a corresponding output file in the same folder as the original input file, but with a different name: Dropping 'MyFile.htm' will create 'MyFile_langtag.htm' as the translated output file. Developed by: HISTORY 0.5 Indicates location of output file. 0.4 Removed support for Hebrew and Greek tagging of the form {h |. . . and {g |. . . in favor of the more explicit for {heb| . . . and {grk| . . . . Added support for including attributes in tags, for example: {font size="+2" color="red"|large red text} which generates: large red text 0.3 Added support for new markup tags: grk+, heb+, tra, and generic HTML. 0.2 Minor corrections. 0.1 Initial version. --------------------------------------------- hebgrk --------------------------------------------- 0.4 Corrected transliteration of BSTGreek character '&' (combination rough breathing mark with acute). This was not being transliterated by an accented "h." 0.3 Added translitToUnicodeRtf() function. Added closing ';' to HTML unicode values. Corrected translitBSTGreek() to omit smooth breath mark from transliterations. 0.2 Fixed Non-ASCII character embedded in comment which generated a warning.