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Lesson The Book of Revelation
by Tony Garland
Revelation 1:5-11 Exposition of Revelation 1:5-11. This passage reveals Jesus' preeminence as global ruler, the salvation offered through His blood atonement, and His visible second coming. "And all tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him."
Revelation 1:12-20 Exposition of Revelation 1:12-20. This passage contains one of the strongest statements concerning the deity of Jesus Christ found in all of Scripture. Jesus, the God-man, is victor over death and keeper of the churches.

Lesson The Book of 1st Thessalonians
by Steve Lewis
1Thess 2 14-20 This study examines Paul's heartfelt affection for those to whom he has ministered. He rejoices for their loyalty to the faith while enduring suffering (1 Thessalonians 2:14-20).

In His service, Tony Garland

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