e-Sword Bible Study Notes File

NOT files contain study notes which can be viewed within the free e-Sword bible study program.

To obtain the free e-Sword bible study program, click on the icon below. Once you have downloaded and installed e-Sword, download the NOT file and place it in the same directory where e-Sword was installed and restart e-Sword. The NOT file will now appear in the list of available study notes.

FREE e-sword Bible Study Software (for Windows)   

Opening the Study Notes File in e-Sword

  1. Close e-Sword if it is already running.
  2. Copy the NOT file into the same directory e-Sword is installed in.
  3. Restart e-Sword.
  4. Click on the Study Notes tab in the commentary pane (see below).
  5. Click on the down arrow to the right of the listbox at the bottom of the Study Notes window (see below) and select the name of the file you downloaded.
  6. Navigate to the book, chapter, and verse associated with the study or click on the Locate Study Notes Icon (binoculars with a pen) to list all the study note locations in the study.
Open e-Sword Study Notes